Electric Balance Bike Racing UK

2024 EXGP British EX Championship Round 2** Entries Now Open**

We make a welcome return to the LDR Facility in Gloucestershire for Round 2 of the 2024 EXGP British EX Championship on the 13th and 14th of July. This event also incorporates the Revvi 500 for Revvi Electric Balance Bikes.

Classes are as follows:

EXGP Classes

Oset 12.5 – 3 to 6 years of age

Mini E class – 4-7 years of age (upto 1800w 10” wheels so this will include the new KTM E2 bike, as well as Oset MX10’s…)

Auto E3 – 4-6 years of age (4-year-olds have to be assessed at one of our ride days and will be restricted to Power level 4 for their first two meetings) (for KTM E3 bikes and equivalent)

Auto E5 – 5-8 years of age (for KTM E5 bikes and equivalent)

For more info go to www.exgb.co.uk or email info@exgb.co.uk


Riders will have a practice and 3 races on Saturday and then 3 races on Sunday.


£85.00 plus £3 booking fee

Plus Nora Day license at £10 if required and a £10 Transponder Hire fee for Non Registered riders


A £20 cancellation fee will apply to all cancellations.

No cancellations can be accepted from Midday on Friday the 5th July 2024. A doctors certificate will be needed to receive a refund.


We are running a Ride evening on the Friday before the event (12th July) from 3.30pm to 7pm. This is a perfect opportunity for new riders to try out riding their Electric Bike on a track or for a rider to get some practice ahead of the EXGP and Revvi Cup race event the next day.

More info will be announced soon!


For more info go > https://www.exgb.co.uk/2024-exgp-british-ex-championship-round-2/


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